Current date/time is Fri Apr 26, 2024 11:50 am

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Here @ Eydya R&D We are attempting to go for a laid back relaxed atmosphere. The way we hope to achieve this is with a general set of basic rules and hopefully, if followed by all, should result with the desired work atmosphere.The Basic Posting Rules Are As Follows:1. Read the posts. Please do not assume we haven't already thought the same way as you. Do a search within the forum for the topic you are addressing. And if you don't see your topic, then start one.2. Post in the appropriate place. If you don't know where to post your topic the post a thread under GENERAL->Questions, and we will do our best to answer. If you feel that you know the general topic then post in the topic that most relates to what you have to say. (i.e. Stats for an item in an item creation thread.) Don't worry, if you post in the wrong place we will do our best to move your topic to the appropriate location so that you may receive the best possible response and input for your inquiry. 3. Thick Skin/Maturity. This project is of a serious and professional nature, and though I do not hold bias on age within our project, please remeber that this enviroment is similar to a 'work enviroment'. If you do not beleive that you can conduct yourself in a professional manner please do not waste our time. On the opposite end of the spectrum do not whine and complain of constructive criticism. We do our utmost to encourage and reward our members but please do remember that the project produce already has his vision for the project. Deletion, Omissions, or Negitive remarks should be taken in context and given as such.Irrelivante information should remain obsolete when giving a response. Simply put, we're not in grade school, just because someone says your idea sucks you WILL NOT start an argument on this forum FOR ANY REASON! At the same time you must support any opinion with cited examples or supporting details. If you thought something was wrong, don't just say 'it sucked' tell us why so we can fix it.